Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy your book in bulk?
Yes. Instructions on how to do so are here.
Do you offer bulk orders or discounts?
Unfortunately, we don’t seem to be able to offer a bulk discounted price through Amazon.
Do you have any options if I cannot afford the book?
We tried to price the book so that all educators teaching with Zoom can afford it. If you are an educator who cannot afford this price, please let us know by submitting this form and we will send you a free copy.
I don’t have a Kindle: can I still read the book?
Yes; you can. If you don’t own a Kindle device, you can still read the book via the Kindle app on a phone, tablet, or computer. The book should appear in the app once you have purchased it or accepted it as a gift (please see instructions here). You can also read the book in your web browser.
Alternatively, you can also purchase the paperback edition.
I bought the first edition of the book. What are the main changes in the second edition?
Yes, you can find here a document with the most important updates to the second edition.